Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Ray Reading, the New Technique to know your Soul

Colors don’t only play a role in giving identification to objects but it also plays an evident role in defining the meaning of almost everything around us. This process of understanding is a bit complex. One has to know meaning in terms of which color symbolizes what? 

While writing this blog, I came across many new interesting things which I am sure most of us weren’t aware of. Every color symbolizes a different phase of life or mood or expression. Ray Reading is all about reading your soul to understand the purpose of your existence.

All these rays are filled with expressions some of them are with higher intensity and of them are with lower intensity. There are several things which people generally crave to understand. 

I have come across few of the questions which is generally related to be lively or in other words to live your purpose. Majorly there are seven rays which have different energy and represent different aspects which let the life go on.

The major colors are:

·        Red: represents Power
·        Blue: represents love
·        Yellow: intelligence
·        Green : Peace and harmony
·        Orange: Knowledge
·        Indigo: Devotion
·        Violet: Diplomacy

One thing which I observed while writing this blog was our soul reading is basically the combination of understanding the strength, thoughts, feelings and actions. We need to maintain balance between our spirituality and realism of life. Though both of them are interconnected. On one hand we talk about the diplomacy and at the same time we talk about scientific progresses. We all are born with these above mentioned energies but we generally fail to manage that. 

So Ray reading doesn’t only let you know about the strength and weakness but it also helps you to identify the weak areas and serve you with a way how to improve and overcome or in other words bridge the gap.

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